How to Prepare and Train?

Do you dream of your first triathlon race? Do not think that only young people with a super-trained physique can sustain a sprint triathlon race. To become a triathlete, you need to prepare well, but with the schedule given below and the right amount of motivation, you will be able to finish the race successfully.

The Triathlon sprint runs over distances that are not prohibitive and, who are already trained, in a few weeks of preparation can sustain such fatigue. We are talking about 750 meters to swim, 20 kilometers by bike and 5 kilometers of running. So what are the minimum requirements for starting training? Simple: it is enough to know how to swim for 50 meters continuously, to be able to ride non-stop for half an hour and to be able to run 5 kilometers consecutively. Everything else is prepared from time to time.

How to organize the training schedule?

The training table is unique, but must then be adapted according to the characteristics of each athlete. If, for example, you are stronger in swimming and less in the running, you will have to add a few walking exits instead of a swim or vice versa. In doing so, you will gain a greater familiarity and confidence with the discipline in which you are weaker, and you will be able to overcome the physical and primarily mental difficulties that you encounter during a race.

Week 1

  • Tuesday: [swimming] heating 3 x 50 mt – 4 X 50 curing the arm-6 x 50 mt with 45 seconds of recovery after each bath – 2 x 50 fatigue
  • Wednesday: [Run] 30 minutes at an easy pace
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: [bike] 30 minutes’ easy pace
  • Saturday: [swimming] warm-up 3 x 50 mt-6 x 50 mt with 45 seconds of recovery between the series – 4 X 50 legs only – 2 x 50 fatigue
  • Sunday: [bike] 30 minutes at an easy pace

Week 2

  • Tuesday: [swimming] warm-up-4 X 50 curing the arm-8 X 50 mt with 30 seconds of recovery between the series-2 x 50 fatigue
  • Wednesday: [Run] 30 minutes at an easy pace
  • Thursday: [bike] 30 minutes’ easy pace
  • Friday: [run] 30 minutes at an easy pace
  • Saturday: [swimming] warm-up-8 X 50 mt with 30 seconds of recovery between the series – 4 X 50 legs only – 2 x 50 fatigue
  • Sunday: [bike] 35 minutes at an easy pace

Week 3

  • Tuesday: [swimming] warm-up and arm technique-10 x 50 mt with 20 seconds of recovery between the series – 2 x 50 fatigue
  • Wednesday: [Run] 30 minutes at an easy pace
  • Thursday: [bike] 35 minutes at an easy pace
  • Friday: [run] 30 minutes at an easy pace
  • Saturday: [swimming] warm-up-10 x 50 mt with 20 seconds of recovery between the series – 4 X 50 legs only – 2 x 50 fatigue
  • Sunday: [bike] 45 minutes at an easy pace

Increase workload

The fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks continue with this program, gradually increasing the number of tanks and slightly reducing recovery between series. In running and cycling, keep the same training duration. From the seventh week, you pass to 40 minutes of running at an easy pace, and by bike, you pass to 40 minutes of easy pace plus ten at a fast pace. On Sundays, you can also go out in combination with 75 minutes of easy cycling and, immediately after, 10 of running.

Continue for another three weeks, increasing the training time from time to time. In swimming, you will have to make 500 meters non-stop alternating mild rhythms to faster rhythms. Same thing for the bike: you’ll have to be able to take 45 minutes easy followed by ten sustained and 5 Fast. Week 12, the one before the race, slow down the pace, stay on mild rhythms, and make sure you’re in condition. At this point you are ready: have fun!