Wheelbase Spring Classic March 2018

Leaving Mill Yard both routes have been designed to include an early timed hill climb over Shap. Supported by Wheelbase the fastest male and female up the 1.7 mile climb will receive a riders jersey and the title king / Queen of the Mountain.

The short route returns via Grayrigg and the long route via Sedbergh. The long route is supported with an optional food and hot drink stop in Sedbergh. This will serve tea and toast and probably a few sweet treats too.

Based in Mill Yard, More bakery, Hawkshead Brewery and Wilfs are supporting riders making it an ideal recovery area! Every rider has a voucher to collect a famous free flap jack from More? Bakery.

The routes are all way marked and a route card is given to every participant at registration. There will be a sweep vehicle provided by Wheelbase and pre ride bike checks also possible from qualified mechanics.