
From Darwen Triathlon

1) Brilliant route with fantastic support, just what you expect on a Darwen event. Everyone was friendly and helpful and apart from my training partner beating me by 1 min everything was perfect. I think it was 1996 when I did my last Darwen Tri and it still has that ‘special’ Darwen atmosphere.

2) This is the first time I have ever done a tri …choosing to do it in my local town …need to say, I thought that everyone one was so friendly and encouraging and that the whole set up was so well organised and very enjoyable ….thank you so much for making it a real success for me !!

3) Thanks for a great day, really enjoyed it and thought the run course was brilliant. I really like that sort of thing, though to be fair I haven’t done any hill work for some time so it was hard going.

4) Enjoyed the event, first tri for 14 years. Bit of a nostalgia trip really as Darwen Tri was what got me into sport as an adult. Did my first Darwen Tri in 92 I think.

5) Anyway, great event, very slickly organised, great marshals and good challenging course, thank you

6) I would just like to say how amazingly well organised the Tri was today at Darwen it was superb!! Many thanks to you and all the organisers and helpers on the day. It was my first tri and I loved it- your splendid planning and running of the event was second to none.

7) #Darwentri quality t shirt great organization plenty of marshals no rain and lots of dashers support! At a decent price cheers!

8) Cheers guys – awesome race yesterday, well run and great support as always #DarwenTowerTri

9) Great event today and no longer a Tri virgin. Hopefully it’ll return next year!?

10) MyTriClub loved my 1st attempt at a #triathlon 2day,great organisation, the scouts and marshals were great, good tshirt 2 #darwentowertri