Darwen Tower Tri 5th July 2015

One of the oldest triathlons in the North West returned in 2013 and following the great support we have secured a date for 2015.

Come and join around 200 athletes of all abilities swimming 600 meters followed by a 23km ride and a 8km run up to the Tower.

Swim 600 m 24 lengths

Swim in the fantastic new pool in Darwen. A modern 25 meter 8 lane pool allows for calmer waves as athletes swim 600m (24 lengths)

Competitors will be three or four to a lane and will start in the shallow end in waves between 09:00 and 11.30. You will be instructed which direction to swim in, anti-clock or clockwise and there will be lane counters to assist in your counting. Your attention will be gained when there is just two lengths remaining. Swimmers will be started 10 seconds apart so it is important you pay attention to your lane position which will be indicated on the start sheet. The female waves start first. Followed by the teams then the male waves all graded upon estimated swim times, please ensure you enter the correct 600m time. Swimmers are reminded to observe lane etiquette and swim considerately.

Please assemble on poolside at the shallow end 15 minutes before your start time where you will be met for the pre-race briefing.

Bike 23km

Ride the scenic loop with views over the diverse landscape of the West Pennine Moors.

Run 8km

The triathlon finishes off with a run to the Tower with the best views of any Sprint Triathlon in the country.


Registration will be open from 07:00 outside the Leisure Centre entrance where you will collect your race number. Your timing chip will be given to you on poolside before the race briefing. It is recommended you register an hour before your start time to give yourself time to place items in transition and complete preparations. You will find a designated place in transition which relates to your race number to place bike and required race items.


Once you have finished your 24 lengths you will climb out of the water end and exit the poolside through the fire exit door.  Please take care when exiting the poolside as it can get very slippy especially in the later waves.  The tape will guide you over the timing mats and into the transition area. Collect your bike and run/ walk to the mount line. Please  do not mount your bike until you have crossed the mount line and are instructed to ride by a marshal.  At the end of the bike section dismount at the dismount line which is marshaled and run/walk your bike into transition. Change into your run clothing and exit transition, following the marshals instructions. Note: You must have your helmet on and fastened at all times when handling your bike. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

Start sheet

A start sheet shall be published online prior to the event. This will indicate your bib number, wave start time and position in the lane. Please ensure you check your category too.

Triathlon Rules

Course records 

Jonathan Metcalfe from Knutsford Tri broke Steve Snaps record in 2014. Clocking a total time of 1:26:22

The woman’s record is held by Helen Leigh from Blackburn Harriers in a total time of 1:39:05 set in 2013.

Spot prizes are available to anyone who beats these times.