Wensleydale Half Cheese Triathlon Sunday 20th August 2017

This is the race that started it all. The MyTriEvents founders once raced the Yorkshire Dales Course and were sad to see it last run in 2003.

One of the toughest of all UK triathlons Wensleydale Full Cheese Tri is the re-working of one of the oldest triathlons in the country. Here you have the opportunity to tackle half of the route and maybe you’ll return the following year to complete the full!

Whats the appeal?

For the athletes

A course fully signed and marshaled designed over some amazing challenging scenery, not recommended as your first triathlon but has been known to draw some ambitious first timers!

Race briefing is on the shores of Semer Water with celebrations taking place at Hawes Community Field. Sports Massage is provided by University Therapists to help with the recovery.  Male and female changing tents. Each finisher gets a unique memento…cheese.

For the spectators

The second transition area at Hawes Community Field is family friendly, complete with a  bike course set up and supervised run by Stage1 Cycles. Here you have the opportunity to test demo bike round the circuit. Bouncy Castle is provided by Hardy Soft Play and cake stall run by the local Primary School is well stocked. As well as our picnic area complete with hoops, skipping ropes, sand pits, seating area and crochet lawn!

Camping Saturday evening at Hawes Community Field


The Swim takes place in the beautiful sometimes temperamental glacial lake Semer Water. You will then have time to acclimatize to the water. Once everyone is settled you shall be started with a hoot from the horn and swim in a clockwise direction, once round the lake.


A tough start to the bike route as when you exit the swim you are faced with the steep accent 1:4. So ensure you have your bike set in an easy gear when you exit the swim.

Travelling over the famous Butter Tubs route which connects Muker and Hawes made even more famous by the Tour in 2014, cyclists will experience the stunning barren land though they may not experience the support seen in the Tour. Expect some long climbs with some steep sections to reach spectacular open moorland.

The Buttertubs themselves are a series of open shafts near the summit into which farmers would lower their butter and cheese to keep them cool.


Registration will be open on the Saturday afternoon from 16:00 hrs to 19:00 hrs at Hawes Community Field. Alternatively you can register on the Sunday morning from 07:30 to 09:30 again at the Community Field. Her you will collect your race number and coloured swim cap along with your timing chip. It is recommended you register in good time to give yourself time to place items in transition and complete preparations. You will find a designated place in transition which relates to your race number to place bike and required race items.


This event has two transitions. T1 and T2. T1 is based at Semer Water and T2 at Hawes Community Field. T2 is where you will have registered for the event and where you will have left your running items.

T1: Once you have finished your swim you will climb out of the water do take care as the rocks seem to be extremely aggressive here. The tape will guide you over the timing mats and into the transition area. Collect your bike and run/ walk to the mount line through the gate. Please do not mount your bike until you reached the tarmac and are instructed to ride by a marshal.

T2: At the end of the bike section dismount at the dismount line which is marshaled and run/walk your bike into transition. Change into your run clothing and exit transition, following the marshals instructions. Note: You must have your helmet on and fastened at all times when handling your bike. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.